Andreas Schumacher, CDO bei VTU Engineering - Sprecher Engineering Summit 2024

Andreas Schumacher

VTU Engineering

Andreas Schumacher ist Director Corporate Strategy bei der VTU Group in Wien.

Nach seinem Studium Mechanical Engineering & Management an der TU Wien promovierte Andreas Schumacher 2020 in Industrial Engineering mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Wertschöpfung durch Digitalisierung.
Nach Stationen als Industrial Coach und Head of Industrial Digitgalization Strategies beim Fraunhofer Institut in Wien sowie Lehraufträgen an der TU Wien wurde Andreas Schumacher 2022 beim Anlagenbau-Unternehmen VTU Group zum Director Corporate Digitalization (CDO) berufen.

Seit April 2024 ist Schumacher Director Corporate Strategy der VTU Group.

VTU Engineering

VTU Group specializes in planning and delivering state-of-the-art process plants. Services span from optimization of existing facilities to comprehensive execution of large-scale CAPEX projects. VTU caters to several process industries with a strong focus on life sciences, chemicals and new technologies. VTU combines required disciplines inhouse such as process engineering, 3D layout and piping, electrical engineering, automation, GMP services or manufacturing science & technology. The company is dedicated to innovation and sets a strong focus on digitalization as well as sustainability and green engineering. Operating with around 1300 employees in 7 countries, VTU maintains high proximity to customers in Europe, and carries out projects worldwide.